Ways To Save & Frugal Tips
Simple Steps To Start A Blog Under $25
So, you are curious about how to start a blog? This is a common question asked of us by friends, family and readers. How can you start a blog without a ton of upfront expenses? Fairly easily actually. Starting a blog doesn’t require a huge investment. It simply requires a bit of time, a few …
Alternative Investments – A Successful Investor’s Choice
Alternative Investments – A Successful Investor’s Choice If you are planning to invest your money to ensure a safe and satisfying retirement, then you are probably coming across dozens of options. If you want your investment to be a successful one, then be sure to put a lot of thought before making your choice. Too …
How To Save Money For A Car
You’ve probably found yourself on the side of the road wondering how to save money for a car because yours has driven its last mile. A car purchase is something that isn’t fun to make when you are budgeted. It certainly isn’t fun when you have poor credit or no credit and are looking at buying …
11 Creative Ways To Save Money On Entertainment
We love fun times with the kids, and these creative ways to save money on entertainment are how we make that happen. Some of these ideas may not work for every family, but they are all great ways we have personally made it possible to have tons of fun as a family while staying in …
Four Things I’m Doing For A Successful Year {& Two Smoothie Recipes}
Are you tired of doing the same thing each year and failing? Here are Four Things I’m Doing For A Successful Year, and I am sharing two of my favorite go-to smoothie recipes! Four Things I’m Doing For A Successful Year {& Two Smoothie Recipes} Did you take on the whole “new year, new me” …
Winter Snowflake Cupcakes
Winter Snowflake Cupcakes This fun winter-y Snowflake Cupcake is the perfect goody for any winter party or even a Frozen themed event. Sweet treats that are ready to celebrate winter with some oomph. We have even included a FREE template to help you create chocolate snowflakes without fear. So, Let it Go! Let’s get to …
5 Ways To Save On Plane Tickets
We love to travel, but it can really hurt your budget when you have to buy plane tickets for an entire family multiple times per year. Here are 5 Ways To Save On Plane Tickets that we have used in the last few years to make our travels more affordable. 5 Ways To Save On …
7 Tips for Making Produce Last Longer
Here’s a great way to save money on your produce, by reading these Tips for Making Produce Last Longer. It’s better to use fresh produce as much as possible, and these easy tips will help you extend the life on your produce! 7 Tips for Making Produce Last Longer Does it seem as though …
7 Ways To Winterize Your Car
As winter approaches, it’s important to have your car ready for winter. Here’s some easy things you can do to get your vehicle ready for winter, with 7 Ways To Winterize Your Car. 7 Ways To Winterize Your Car Now that the chilly months are knocking at the door, it is time to prepare not …
Savings Tip: How To Lower Cell Phone Bill, Cable, Dish, etc!
I am not a big fan of AT&T. However they had the iPhone…. end of story. I called them and complained and really thought about cancelling my service. They were able to transfer me to the “save” department who was able to give me a $60 credit on my bill, and give me free text …
Happy New Year- 2016
Happy New Year- 2016 Wishing each and every one of you a Happy New Year. I hope 2016 is the BEST year for you! I wish you happy savings, and I will be here to guide you every step of the way! Let’s start out the year right by signing up for the 52 …